Screenshots of Times Past

March 29, 2020

Looking at some unpublished posts, I realised there were a few screenshots I never posted. Several of these are of window managers I have not used in a very long time (windowlab and sithwm) and never used for very long, and all of these are from at least 4 years ago.

But since this site still seems to get some significant amount of traffic, despite being mostly inactive for five years, and since everyone likes screenshots, here are some brief glimpses into the past.




Windowlab, with an unreleased Gtk theme, and the Children of the Earth icon theme.


Windowlab, with a the Alghattas Gtk theme and the MeliaeSVG icon theme.


Openbox 3.5.2, with the Laza-mod Openbox and Gtk theme, the ACYL icons, and a wallpaper that started out as a picture of a brick wall.


Openbox 3.5.2, with the Amaravati Gtk and Openbox theme, and ACYL icon theme. (Inspired by this theme.)

SithWM, with I can’t recall what icon or Gtk theme.

One Response to “Screenshots of Times Past”

  1. cata195 said

    Beautiful. Where can I get that Children of the Earth icon theme?

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